Round two
We would like to thank all of the wonderful donors and sponsors for supporting a second round of efforts to help the small businesses, service workers, artists, and musicians in our community that have been affected by the economic impact of COVID-19. Reaching our $10,000 goal for a second time was only made possible with your help. This recent fundraising period has truly provided additional helpings of love and support for the neighborhood. Meet our recipients and read their stories below!
Confetti Eddie
My story: “I had to close my Magic Parlor and art studio due to Covid-19. Even after several fundraising attempts including taking the magic and art online it wasn't enough to pay the bills. I had no choice but to give up my art gallery / magic parlor that I operated for 26 years. In that time I helped hundreds of artists and musicians for many years, including winning numerous awards like best magic parlor in 2014. I'm no stranger to living on the cheap but I have been struggling to feed myself and pay bills. I still have a home and I am thankful for that. I am hopeful that things will get better but I did not qualify for unemployment so I could use any dollar amount just to keep afloat until things restore to some kind of financial normality. I do not like to ask for help, generally I am the one who helps others, so it's been a humbling place to be for me. Thank You.”

Anthony DeAlcuaz
My story: “Before the start of the pandemic, I was working nights at The Nines, picking up days at Cold Beer Co and Pedego Electric Bikes. A year ago I quit drinking and using, and when the furlough hit it was almost enough to push me back into my old ways. With support from my service family, I stayed true to my sobriety and dove into a personal training program. I started a GoFundMe to raise some money for the classes and dipped into my savings to cover the rest of the course. Over the past few months, I've completed the training program and have been working with bar family in the gym for free just trying to keep spirits up. Now that I'm done with my class and ready to start my program, I need to file for insurance, get an LLC, and last few pieces equipment. With this grant I'd be able to do that and start a free service industry boot camp. Exercise has always helped with my mental health and I just want to keep being able to offer help to the rest of the service industry family that has given so much to me.”
Frank Campagna
Our story: “As you may be aware, Paula and I run Kettle Art Gallery. We also got married at the end of February. We went to NYC for our honeymoon the first week of March and returned on the 10th just barely ahead of the virus exploding in the city. Upon our return we had an art opening scheduled in place and we were ready to rock on Saturday March 14th. That was basically the last day we were open. The Deep Ellum Wine Walk which we host every third Thursday, was also scheduled for that following week and had to be canceled. In other words, everything just stopped and has for months now. We have not tried a GoFundMe because I do not want to tap into our loyal fan base until it is truly an extreme emergency. We could not get a PPP loan because it's very complicated, especially with both of us being self-employed. I have not asked for unemployment because it seems like another way to be beheld to the state. I chose not to pay our first quarter sales tax, due on April 20th because of the uncertainty of this situation, but finally did get caught up just the other day. This was to insure we do not fall too far behind with them, and the comptroller hit me with an extra $350.00 late fee. I guess the only good aspect of this whole ordeal is that they are due another payment by July 20th and the amount is minuscule. Essentially any savings we had set aside have dwindled throughout this pandemic. We have opened our doors several times these past few weeks, just in time for summer, our slowest season, and make it a point to exercise all proper precautions. Meanwhile the numbers continue to rise in Dallas County and I am a bit wary of doing this again anytime soon. Thanks for listening, we're doing all we can to get through this damn thing and appreciate any relief you can offer.”

Cush With A C
Our story: “On March 6th, I felt like I was on top of the world (or on top of the city if you will). I had just had one of my best performances of the year and released a new music video for “Freaknik” featuring Coach Tev, Devy Stonez and Sighrocspliff. The following week, the world completely stopped on its axis in what would lead to an unpredictable chain of events. Multiple friends and several of my family members came down with Covid, including my mom who lost her job. I stepped up to pay her rent over the last few months on top of my personal bills. Luckily, I was not directly impacted by the virus health wise, but I can definitely say my life has been torn apart and changed forever."
Deep Ellum 100 is joined by Pete Freedman of Central Track, Chris Lewellyn of Lewellyn Print Shop, and musician, Brianne Sargent to share the stories of grant applicants and discuss the state of Deep Ellum.